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    After ovulation, spermiation or natural degeneration, the volume of gonad was smaller in stage VI.───在排卵期、精子化期或自然退化期,性腺体积变小。
    By noticing these changes, the woman can tell when ovulation is about to occur.───通过观察这些变化,这名妇女能判断出何时排卵。
    reasonable way of improving panda resource should be mainly based upon superfecundation at ovulation period.───合理利用大熊猫资源应以排卵期超受精为主要途径。
    while sperm can survive for several days inside a woman ' s reproductive tract , an egg can only survive for up to 24 hours after ovulation.───精子可以在女性生殖道内存活数日,而排卵后卵子仅能存活24小时。
    It seems safe to conclude that couples with relatively normal semen parameters should have sex daily for up to a week before ovulation date.───断定相对正常精液参数夫妇排卵期之前,应该每天有性jiaozhi一个星期,似乎是安全的。
    They might be due to increases in estrogen levels, which peak around the time of ovulation.───可能是由于雌激素水平上升,排卵期前后达到高峰。
    In the week after ovulation, luteal development to a peak of up to 1 ~ 3 cm in diameter, covered with a rich inner capillaries.───在排卵后一周,黄体发育至最高峰,直径可达1~3厘米,内层布满丰富的毛细血管。
    Usually one egg matures at a time, and that's why if sperm is present during ovulation, a woman only gets pregnant with one baby.───通常一次只有一个卵子成熟,所以在排卵期中如果有精子与卵子结合,女性怀孕后通常都只会生一个孩子。
    The length of the luteal phase determines the time of ovulation within your menstrual cycle.───黄体期的长度决定了月经周期内排卵的时间。


    As ovulation gets nearer, oestrogen levels rise.
    Ovulation prediction tests are not only for those having problems conceiving.
    As this temperature rise occurs after ovulation has already taken place, it can not predict ovulation in advance.
    She is taking a drug to stimulate ovulation.
    If there is no ovulation[Sentencedict.com ], then there is no corpus luteum formation and no cyclic rise in pregnanediol levels. 347.
    During ovulation, the ripe egg is released from the ovarian follicle which contained it.
    Elevated progesterone levels mimic pregnancy and this delays ovulation, prevents fertilisation or stops implantation of the embryo in the womb.
    They include birth control pills, other ovulation suppressors and long-acting hormones.
    Anything that inhibits ovulation - eg, pregnancy or oral contraception - reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.


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