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    He walked on to the stage to be greeted with jeers and whistles.───他登上舞台,结果迎来阵阵嘲笑和口哨嘘声。
    speech of this fantastic figure was received with an explosion of jeers and laughter.───这个奇人的讲话引起一阵哄堂大笑。
    The minister's speech was greeted with jeers and catcalls.───这位大臣的讲话遭到嘲笑,嘘声四起。
    In the event, the mantakes his money and jeers in parting that he took some books out of the prison library and never returned them.───这次事件中,抢劫者拿走了他的钱和一部分他从监狱图书馆中带出来的书并且从未归还。
    But why would anyone want to put himself through all that? The jeers on every touch, the vicious taunts, the obscene signage?───但为什么会有人想让自己置身那样的困境?为什么会有人想要每次触球时被嘘,想要听刻毒的嘲弄,想要看下流的标语?
    The clowns persisted in their rudeness; they added jeers, and threatened violence if she did not leave the place.───这些粗人蛮不讲理,他们甚至出言不逊,还威胁说:如果她再不赶快走开,他们就要动武了。
    Wang was given a standing ovation amid a few jeers from fans who wanted to see Wang post his second complete game.───小王接受了场边球迷的起立鼓掌,而大部分球迷是希望看到小王投出他本季的第二场完投的。
    She would keep reminding me of a Sanskrit saying that the unworthy aspirant after poetic fame departs in jeers!───她总是不断的提醒我一句梵文格言:岌岌于诗名之人在讥笑声中黯然离去!
    Zhou jeers: the boss enough, it wants money bars, said it wants to, not to be so deceitful.───周老板冷笑起来:够了,是想要钱吧,想要就明说,不用这么拐弯抹角。


    He listened to the jeers of the crowd without flinching.
    He ran off, their jeers ringing in his ears.
    They shouted jeers at him.
    There were jeers and booing from the audience.
    The Minister's speech was greeted with jeers and catcalls.
    It may be argued that the jeers were unfair and did little to push the team forward, but what is perhaps more important is the meaning behind such a knee-jerk reaction.
    Steve Francis got his usual round of jeers in the city he spurned.
    Still, picturing the jeers her old padded jacket would evoke, she couldn't restrain her tears.
    The two camps traded insults, moans and jeers, threatening occasionally to turn the proceedings into an intramural debate.


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