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    Objective to study the method to classify respirable dust harmfulness degree in geological exploration profession so as to provide scientific basis for its management.───目的探讨地质勘探行业呼吸性粉尘危害程度分级技术标准的制订方法,为粉尘危害分级管理提供科学依据。
    Health standard for respirable silica dust in the air of workplace.───车间空气中呼吸性矽尘卫生标准。
    Examples where lower limit values have recently been proposed include wood dust, respirable silica, and beryllium.───例如木材灰、可呼吸性二氧化矽和铍为最近被提出具较低阈值的例子。
    Environmental monitoring consisted of total and respirable airborne particulate metal levels, average and maximum noise levels.───定点作业环境测定包含总粉尘与可呼吸性粉尘采样两部份,以及平均噪音与最高噪音测定。
    Officials say it will help reduce air pollution by 600 tonnes of respirable particles and 160, 000 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year.───政府表示,新铁路有助改善空气质素,每年可以减少空气中的微粒六百吨和二氧化碳十六万吨。
    Respirable particles from the carrier not only to become organisms, contain toxic substances on their own or other disease, cancer.───可吸入颗粒物不仅能成为微生物的载体,其本身就含有有毒物质或其他致病、致癌物。
    Environmental tobacco smoke - Estimation of its contribution to respirable suspended particles - Method based on solanesol.───环境中的烟草烟雾.可吸入的悬浮粒子的估算.基于茄呢醇的方法
    Spray pressure and spray nozzle model have obvious effect on the respirable dust removal efficiency.───喷雾压力和雾化喷嘴型号对呼吸性粉尘的除尘效率的影响都很显著;


    Objective To study the method to classify respirable dust harmfulness degree in geological exploration profession so as to provide scientific basis for its management.
    Biomass fuels, inhabitancy condition, exposures to respirable particulate matter in work site and childhood respiratory diseases were not related with the prevalence of COPD.
    Environmental monitoring consisted of total and respirable airborne particulate metal levels, average and maximum noise levels.
    Health standard for respirable silica dust in the air of workplace.
    Second Movement from pollution caused by respirable particles.
    Respirable particles from the carrier not only to become organisms, contain toxic substances on their own or other disease[sentencedict.com], cancer.
    To explain whole class works individual workers respirable dust monitoring systematic monitoring program, monitoring process and effect analysis, proposed targeted dust-proof countermeasures.
    An experimental method for preparing respirable dust filter samples using a selfmade standard dust generator was introduced.
    Respirable particles from the most serious of which has become larger primary pollutants.


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